How long is normal to wait for Biopsy results ???

Hi, this is the first time i've sent a post on here, but i've read more than a few and have already found comfort to know there's someone to talk to. I've had a mammogram and ultrasound which both say i have a 'lump' and two lymph nodes are enlarged. I had a biopsy last Tuesday, they said the results would be 2 - 3 days but it's now over a week ago !! I phoned yesterday but they said when they have the results they'll let me know. I have pains in my back and am scared it might have spread there - or that could be stress? - but I just don't know. I first went to my doctor 5 weeks ago and haven't told anyone, except my husband, as I want to be able to answer my mum and sister's questions in a positive way. But I just don't know.

Also does anyone know if they can tell if it's spread just by the biopsy? They did a 'fine' needle biopsy under my arm, aswell as the four 'larger needle' biopsy on my breast. Would appreciate any help out there, I'm trying to keep positive but it's taking so much time, and I can think of nothing else.

Thanks, June

  • Thank you Diane.

  • I had a biopsy Friday 15 April 2016 for a large type freckle which developed a year ago but then changed to a blister looking thing.. My appointment was just to see consultant on that day, which had been less than 2 week referal time from seeing GP. The consultant said she would prefer to do biopsy straight away, which I was relieved about. She thinks it is very characteristic of Basal Cell Carcinoma. I was told it could be several weeks for biopsy result for this :( but was pleased with the initial short time of seeing someone...well done NHS. 

  • Yes my dad saw his GP after Easter, had biopsy, colonoscopy & CT scan within a fortnight.  Would be nice to keep the momentum going as time is of the essence. 

  • Hi guys. I found a lump 3months ago, it became very big, so I decided to go to my gp last month. I was instantly refefered to breast cancer clinic. The "only" doctor for that clinic was on holiday so had to wait three weeks. Last Tuesday I went and he did a scan and vacuum biopsy. They said i looked like a build up of tissue! Is this normal? He also said 7days for results and Iv heard nothing yet. Is that a good sign?

  • Hi I had found a lump in my breast a month that ago I had a biopsy done a week today I'm still waiting on the results they told me a few weeks they think it's my glands that r swollen I had a scan done and a biopsy the lump is still there I am stressing out about all this so I know how u feel
  • Hi, I work in histology/pathology. The time scale for USC biopsy (urgent suspected cancer) is 5 days. For larger specimens it is 8 days.

    What can prolong these is if the consultant needs and further special stains or immuno work done to assist the identification. Where that is the case, the MDT (multi disciplinary team) meeting would know. Therefore the GP would be able to inform the patient of this. In Wales there is a system called Indigo which any GP can access. People think they can’t, and I spend ages letting them know this. Any queries let me know.

  • Hi I am new to this but need some advice, I had a Biopsy done 2 weeks ago 15/08/18 I havent had the results back yet so I phoned the clinic.  The Secretary said that they were having a meeting on Monday to discuss my case and would then contact me, Is this normal and is it something to worry about ?

  • This is normal procedure. I went a month between appointments when waiting for results if that helps. 

  • Iv been waiting nearly 6 weeks

  • I went to my GP after finding a lump in my Breast and he was very reassuring that I would get an appointment with a consultant within 2 weeks. I actually got a call the very same day with an appointment date and was seen within 6 days! I had an ultrasound, MRI and 4 biopsies taken that same day and they made me an appointment for 1 week later to get my results. After reading some of the timescales some of you are having to wait I feel extremely lucky to have such a short space of time to wait - the waiting is agonising but I’m trying to stay positive that whatever it turns out to be, I will just take it one step at a time! I’ve read only 30% of biopsies turn out to be cancerous, so the 70% that aren’t gives me some hope!! Good luck to everyone who is waiting for results! xxx

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