How long is normal to wait for Biopsy results ???

Hi, this is the first time i've sent a post on here, but i've read more than a few and have already found comfort to know there's someone to talk to. I've had a mammogram and ultrasound which both say i have a 'lump' and two lymph nodes are enlarged. I had a biopsy last Tuesday, they said the results would be 2 - 3 days but it's now over a week ago !! I phoned yesterday but they said when they have the results they'll let me know. I have pains in my back and am scared it might have spread there - or that could be stress? - but I just don't know. I first went to my doctor 5 weeks ago and haven't told anyone, except my husband, as I want to be able to answer my mum and sister's questions in a positive way. But I just don't know.

Also does anyone know if they can tell if it's spread just by the biopsy? They did a 'fine' needle biopsy under my arm, aswell as the four 'larger needle' biopsy on my breast. Would appreciate any help out there, I'm trying to keep positive but it's taking so much time, and I can think of nothing else.

Thanks, June

  • Dear June.

    I am so sorry that you have to wait like this.The waiting is the worse part.Could you ask your GP to find out for you?Ask the hospital what is their policy for time limits.Your poor mind must be spinning.Keep pestering until you get your important result.Good luck.

    Rose xxxx

  • Dear Rose,

    Thanks so much for replying it's good to know someone's out there. I did telephone the hospital but they said they'll get in contact when results are ready - this is the 9th day now. My doctor is not available this morning, so I'll keep on trying. I just think if it's such a battle to get the results what's the communication over treatment going to be like ? It's driving me mad and usually I'm not like this, normally I'm sort of organised and try to get things done , this is so frustrating ! and of course I keep imagining it's getting worse every day it's untreated.

    Thanks again, June x

  • Hi June, I had biopses, seven of them on 15th June and was due to get results on 24th June. At my initial appointment on 10th June I was appointedd a breast nurse. When I phoned her 21st June she said she had the results and came to visit me. I thought I had 4-5 biopses! Check with the Hospital to see if you have a breast nurse. Waiting is the worse. Tell the hospital and GP you want to know. You may have been appointed a breast nurse but to be honest at the time it is a case of information in one ear and out of the other. Take care and let me know how you go on, Linda

  • Hi there

    I think it may depend on time period for results however, keep phoning them to see. Do let us know how you get on. The waiting is definitely the worse and the not knowing...Remember technology is brilliant these days, so stay strong and positive, kind regards, Liz

    p.s. there is a great group of people on here who will be able to help you on here and identify / assist , etc.

  • Hi Linda, thanks for replying. I eventually managed to speak to my GP who said around 2 weeks is normal to wait for the biopsy results. The Dr who did the biopsy said 2-3 days, so when it got to 9 days I was getting frantic. Now I'm calmer and trying to fill my time with things to take my mind off it, ha! but I am trying. Planning to do good things over the next few days, till I get results, to help get through them.

    Hope you got your results ok and you can now start to look forwards. Whatever lies ahead I intend to do it smiling, hope I can, good intentions and all that, got to be positive.

    Good luck and thanks again, June x

  • Hi Liz, thanks for replying, it's good to know there are people out there who understand and care. I'm feeling a bit better as eventually got to speak to my GP who said 2 weeks is about normal to wait for biopsy results. Still haven't told my family, the thought of upsetting them is on my mind as much as waiting for the results ! Anyway I'm hoping to find out this week and am trying to be as positive as I can, thanks again, June x

  • my friend had a biopsy last week..query breast cancer has been given appointment to see Dr ib December to find out results.this long wait seems outrageous to me  is this permissable under current NHS guielines?

  • I'm staggered to see that results are sometimes possible in terms of days.  On the two occasions I've had excision biopsies for Basal Cell Carcinoma, I have been told to expect a delay of Nine to Twelve weeks.  I find it impossible to contact anyone to talk to about my concerns, even when the 'phones are actually answered.  My last procedue was 29th January and I have an appointment with the surgeon on 3rd June. What's that - 18 weeks!

  • I thought there was a two week rule with cancer.  I know of the 18 week rule but that is from the time a consultant gets a GP referral letter to the first definitive treatment so I just don't understand why all the waiting.

  • Hi

    Although it has been 3 years since diagnosis, I remember them telling me that there was a 2 week wait to see the consultant and biopsy, and then a further two weeks to get results, as they have to meet with a team of doctors to discuss treatment.

    I found the breast care nurses very helpful as they should be able to tell you the expected dates etc.  Hope this helps.

    Diane  xxx

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