Groin lump

Hi there,

I'm currently driving myself slightly mad reading all things hernia and lymphoma related! Patience is not one of my virtues unfortunately.

Here is my story so far:

Early December I noticed a lump in my left groin crease when I stood up, only small and quite firm. I wondered if it could be a hernia, as I also have prolapse and am on the waiting list for surgery to repair this. I mentioned it to the nurse at my smear appointment a week later and she kindly had a look for me. She advised to keep an eye on it and if it grew then I should see my GP.

Fast forward to a week ago and I suddenly realised the lump was still there and had indeed grown to approximately double its original size. I saw my GP as I already had an appointment booked for something else, and mentioned the lump and whether it could be a hernia. She examined me and found no cough impulse and said it would need further investigation to determine if it is a hernia or not.

So here I find myself on the 2ww pathway obsessively trawling the internet and reading journal articles as if I can magically diagnose myself. I've not had a call yet about an appointment for testing and I'm struggling to find many groin lump stories, so I suppose I'm just interested in what other people have experienced.

On the referral form my GP has described the lump as soft, mobile and approx 2cm x 5cm. I have no other symptoms other than what I went in for originally, which was to discuss possible orthostatic intolerance on account of my high heart rate and whether I may have hypermobile Ehlers Danlos, which is often linked to this. It would also fit a hernia diagnosis but I'm also reading a lot of lymphoma information regarding groin lumps!

Thanks for reading, I'm not scared as such I'm just finding the waiting rather difficult!

  • Hi there 

    my story is similar in some ways regarding the groin lump, I also posted here yesterday. I have. Mine is around 5cm hard/rubbery, palpable, painless and fixed. I initially had an ultrasound which showed something and my GP put me on the 2 week pathway referral to haematology with a suspected haematology malignancy. I’ve had my full body CT scan and ultra sound guided biopsy this past week. I’m seeing the consultant back at clinic in nine days time and I’m hoping my results will be back by then. The waiting and not knowing can play havoc with your peace of mind   

  • Hi  

    Thanks for your reply. You sound a bit further along in the testing stage, how are you feeling about getting your results? Have you got plenty to fill your time over the next 9 days? 

  • I’m very much a positive person so that has helped. Work and family are keeping me busy and I have a little trip planned for myself this coming weekend. 
    Today has been difficult though and can’t quite put my finger on why