Large lymph node in groin

I discovered a large lump in my groin area just before Christmas but by beginning of January it had grown a lot. I hadn’t been unwell so was concerned. Immediately went to the GP who examined me and ordered bloods and an ultrasound. Bloods were mostly reassuring and had the ultrasound a week later. Less than 24 hrs later the GP rang and said something had showed on the scan and was referring me to hospital on the 2 week pathway, referral form said suspected haematology malignancy. I saw a consultant on the 10th feb and was told the lump was an enlarged lymph node around 5cm. It’s firm/rubbery, painless and fixed. I have fatigue, night sweats, chills and random bruising.  Ct scan and ultrasound guided biopsy ordered and had both this past week. I’m back to see the consultant on the 11th March to discuss results. 
The waiting and not knowing completely messes with you. I’m keeping  busy and trying to be kind to myself.