Emotional - been booked in for an appointment tomorrow morning. Are results always given in person, good or bad?


I just wanted a bit of advice. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer is May 22. I had chemo, surgery, radiotherapy & oral chemo over the course of a year. Fast forward to January 25, I had a bit of discomfort (not really pain) around the scar area and around to my shoulder blade and when I took a deep breath it was uncomfortable. It felt like a pulled muscle. So I thought I would go and get it checked out for which I got an appointment for straight away. In the meantime the discomfort subsided. Consultant checked me over, couldn’t feel anything & was happy but he said he would book me in for a whole body bone scan and an ultrasound. If everything was OK, they would discharge me from their care and go onto the normal mammogram program. So I had the scans this week, Tues 25th. Didn’t get any results for the bone scan, they said I would get results within a couple of weeks. The ultrasound was fine, Doc was happy, couldn’t see anything abnormal. But would have to wait for bone scan results. 

I got a phone call this morning from my Consultants secretary. She had been asked to make an appointment for (and around 50 other people) me to go in and see the consultant. I have an appointment in the morning at 9.15 am! So now I’m panicking and very emotional. Are results always discussed in person whether they are good or bad?? I’m just thinking the worst that something has shown up on the scans. Why are they calling me in so quick. The thought of having g to go through it all again is terrifying me. Could they just be telling me everything is fine and they are going to discharge me?? Sorry, I’m just overthinking everything.

L x

  • Honestly, how the results are given doesn't tell you anything. I was told one result would be given over the phone, then after the scan got a letter asking me to come in. I freaked and phoned them and it turned out the scan was completely clear.

    My mother had a doctor ring her and we thought "well, can't be too serious or he'd call her in" and it was bowel xancer that had spread to the liver.

    It could be anything and it is very tempting to try and guess from when the appointment is or whether it's in person or over the phone but really, those things can be down to an individual doctor's preference or they had a cancellation and decided to squeeze you in or any one of a whole paid of things unrelated to what the result is.

    Best of luck. I hope you get good news.

  • HiTootsuite,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear of your anxiety. Most doctors prefer to give news of any kind in person. However, some centres are extremely busy and have to resort to letters or phone calls. I sincerely hope that all goes well tomorrow and that nothing untoward is detected. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi

    I had my appointment with the Consultant on Friday following the bone scan & ultrasound. He said that 1 hot spot has shown up on the bone scan. It’s 1 spot on the end of 1 rib. They aren’t sure what it is but he said it’s not consistent with the triple negative breast cancer that I had and it’s unusual for it to be just 1 spot if it is cancer so he sent me for a CT scan which I had yesterday. He did ask if I’d bumped the area or fallen which could be a cause but no I haven’t. Then I thought could it be caused from the breast surgery I had or from the radiotherapy? All sorts of things are going through my head. I’m hoping to get the results next week and it’s good news.