I’ve never posted anywhere like here so sorry in advance if I ramble. I found a pump a few weeks ago and got referred on the 2 week pathway to one stop breast clinic. When the consultant initially felt the lump she said she was very confident it was nothing nasty but would do an ultrasound and mammogram to be sure. Mammogram didn’t show anything of concern, but the lady doing the ultrasound went from agreeing it was nothing to then saying she wanted to do a core biopsy and just confirm it was a benign tumour as she suspects
I feel really stupid asking this as I know so many of you are going through this journey for real, I just wondered if anyone had had this scenario and it had then turned out to be malignant. Same as everyone else, I’m driving myself mad waiting for the results and thinking what if they’ve got it wrong, but then I think I’m being stupidly and they’d be able to see if it was malignant on the scan/mammogram.
Has anyone had anything similar?