Colonoscopy reassurance


I wrote a post on here recently expressing my absolute terror regarding the potential outcome of a colonoscopy for my partner (age 53) who had been sent for the procedure following a change in bowel habits (noticed around 8 months previously) and a positive fit score. He was referred under the two week pathway. To say I had convinced myself of the worst possible outcome was an understatement. The two weeks leading up to the process were inner turmoil for me and created such a level of fear, I can't describe it. I'd read the stats that people over 50 are at a much higher risk so this fed my anxiety further! Am writing here in the hope it can offer some reassurance on some level to anyone waiting and worrying like I was. 

For my partner, as many have said on here, the prep was the most unpleasant part for him but he got through it. He opted for a sedation for the colonoscopy and said the procedure was fine. Meanwhile, I waited fearing the worst. When he finally came out, he told me they'd found a polyp which was removed, a case of hemorrhoids and a diagnosis of diverticulosis which I believe is common amongst people in this age group. He'll have a follow up colonoscopy in three years. I know not everyone gets this good news but I wanted to highlight a positive story in the hope it can offer some level of comfort to anyone in those horrible days leading up to the procedure. 

All the best to everyone on here in whatever situation they're in. Take care all.

  • I am currently in this situation. I am in my fifties, have irregular bowel movements and just received my FIT results which found small traces of blood. I am terrified and don't know how to focus or think. 

  • I’m so sorry you’re in the situation we were in until a few days ago. I do understand the dark places the mind can take us to when it comes to things like this. It was all consuming for me and likewise, I couldn’t think or focus on anything else. I don’t think there’s anything I can say that can take those feelings away until you’ve had the test done. The build up to it, the waiting and being in limbo is just horrid. I hope your appointment is soon as dealing with the unknown for an extended period is something very difficult to cope with for long. The only thing that helped me get through it was being on these forums with others who have been in a similar situation. As mentioned from lots of others who’ve had symptoms like yours, including my partner, it can often be a case of polyps, hemorrhoids and other less worrying things which can cause these symptoms so try and keep that in mind. Easier said than done I know! 

  • Thank you for replying. I will try to be positive. Thank you.

  • Lovely to read this as peace of mind to the 9/10 cases supposedly NOT cancer.

    i am nervously awaiting transverse colon biopsy results yet initially after a week the were ready to process then suddenly that changed so still no report for the consultants team to analyse.

    this is making my anxiety & nausea worse!

    waiting is just the worst whether for yourself or for a loved one. Everyone around me talks to negatively yet nooo please don’t!!! 

    take care & thanks for sharing

    C Xx

  • Offline in reply to Chantetz

    Hi Chantetz,

    There’s no supposedly about that 9 out of 10 figure. 

    This makes sense when you realise that GPs are supposed to send patients for cancer investigations if they believe there’s as little as a 3% chance that a patient might have cancer. 

    I’m just a patient but I know from personal and close family experience that bowel cancer has very similar symptoms to several other conditions and just how anxious that wait can be.


    Good luck

  • I wish you all the best for the results and hope the wait for you isn't much longer - time seems to drag in these situations as the days feel so long when they're full of worry. Take care.

  • Sent a friend request so it’s easier to keep in touch as we continue on this journey of results & further investigations.

    you are far from alone 

    Love C Xx