bosniak cyst stage 2f

Hi I have had lower back pain for awhile and bloating and general feeling fatigue.  ultrasound showed ‘possible bosniak stage 2f kidney cyst on the right side which is where most of my back pain is. Pain has actually got worse and radiates in my right buttock/hip.  I have to wait for a CT scan to check this and being referred to kidney department but im worrying sick i have kidney cancer or worse.  I also have had a cough and cold for over a month that i cant seem to get over and pain in my left rib area which doctor said could be a pulled muscle from coughing. Anyone got any experience and can reassure me please. Im a 40 year old female with 2 young kids and feel stressed. the back pain has me taking high dose ibuprofen every day. unsure if related to the kidney issue.  

  • I’m really glad to share and hope you are well and thank you for talk in about your issue. I don’t know if mine will help, but they found a Bosniak Type II on my right kidney in January and I’m going for full CT on Friday. I haven’t had any of the pain you describe but I was having many gastro issues causing me to get LFT tests which came back elevated along with a CEA. My referral from the GP to a rapid access diagnostic clinic was very thorough with bloods and he seemed to feel it was unlikely that there was a malignancy but to be sure they are doing a CT. He wanted to check with his superior (he was the ANP) abut whether my cyst needs follow up (it was detected while I was travelling and I went to NHS as soon as to get a referral). I’m hoping for the all clear but also wonder what the cyst follow up will mean if it is isn’t type IIF. Hope you have some answers soon and good health and peace of mind. For me the waiting from getting abnormal LFTs to 5.1 CEA and then accidentally they finding the Bosniak II accidentally to now waiting for a CT has been very stressful but I’m hoping for the best and trying to prepare for the worst. I was told 1400 patients and low rate of diagnosis but it doesn’t explain the cyst and mild irregular  renal and liver profile if CT all clear. Please do share more as I am in this process but not yet on a pathway within a cancer clinic.