My Dad of 76 fell ill at the beginning of January, he had problems breathing so we took him to A&E.
He was kept in as they found blood clots on both lungs and multiple "mass'".
He also had a chest and lung infection.
After 2 weeks he went home, but only for a day as he started coughing up blood, vomiting blood and his urine is very red with blood.
Again he was kept in for nearly 3 weeks due to infections.
This has delayed his PET CT by 3 weeks.
He has finally had his PET CT last Wednesday.
Now we wait.
The doctors told us that they are quite sure they are dealing with cancer, but need all the tests done.
He has carers go into him 4 times a day and family visit.
We have installed cctv onside house so can monitor 24/7
My Dad stopped eating 4 weeks
He is stick thin and just wants to sleep all day. He us wanting to get up.
Says he isn't hungry eating makes him feel sick.
He has lost over 3st so is now under 8st.
He is still coughing up the blood and there us still blood in urine, he now has a catheter.
He is Riveroxoban for his blood clots.
My question is..
Is my Dad at the end stages?
I fear he will pass before we get any answers for him.