Heartburn and losing weight

Hello everyone. I just wondered if anyone who has been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer has had these symptoms. I have heartburn all the time and I've lost about half a stone in the last few months.

I have recently lost my Mum so I am thinking it could be down to stress but also my Mum had breast cancer so I think my risk is higher.

I have a scan in a couple of weeks and I'm sure it will all be fine but just wondering if anyone else had similar symptoms to begin with.

Thanks for reading ️

  • Hello Heyitsme and welcome to Cancer Chat,

    I'm sorry to hear of your loss and can imagine it's been a difficult time for you. You did the right thing in getting an appointment, so I hope that goes ok. They may suggest something to help, so don't be afraid to ask questions or raise any concerns you have. It may help to write things down on a paper and take it with you to the appointment.

    I hope this helps,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Sorry to read about your mum. 
    do you have pelvic symptoms? Period differences? Pain during sex? I just ask as they are common signs of things going on in your pelvis (still very very unlikely to be cancer). 
    I have a very large 8cm ovarian cyst and I also suffer from stomach ulcers and lots of GI issues. The distance in your body is too far for GI issues to be related to your ovaries. I would suggest a docs app who may put you on PPIs to reduce acid. It’s very common to lose weight when having heartburn or reflux, and stress is also a huge reason to lose weight.
    take care and look after yourself in your grief.