Hi there,
Just to introduce myself I'm a 29 year old lady with a history of lumpy tissue in both boobs. I had a biopsy a few years ago in my left and have had numerous examinations and ultrasounds on both. I've been told I've got lots of lumpy breast tissue and I have a cyst in the left also. I was last examined in October last year and reassured that the tissue is all normal. Since then I have noticed some changes in the left. My nipple has become quite flat in comparison to the right, and has started to change direction to the right and almost pull in slightly. It will come out though on stimulation (sounds weird typing that word on here but don't know how else to describe it!). My question is, in people's experience who are on this forum, if the nipple will come back out and change shape is this a reassuring sign?.. If there is something sinister going on, would the nipple stay flat and pointing in an abnormal direction all the time? I'm just looking for a little reassurance really until I see a consultant next week... I decided to refer myself instead of going through the normal route of seeing a GP and being referred on the NHS to see the same consultants each time... Thanks so much for reading :)