Biopsy wait

Hi I'm new here....hello..

I had an mri on my neck and it was discovered I had 2 tumours,fast forward to long journey to Birmingham consultant and full spine mri to confirm tumours,doc wasn't overly concerned...I was... went in 2 weeks ago and had ct guided biopsy done....since then i have been very stressed,anxious and panicky........I just need to know,so we know what's next....they said 10-14days for resukts,each day I'm on pins waiting for a call about results.....

I've had a previous surgery in 2009 for a benign tumour and big op as it was very close to my spine.....the doc reassured me this time they are not near took about 3 months last time with 2lots of biopsies to decide If nasty or not...

Any idea if this is a normal wait and would it be best to ring the hospital?

  • I feel for you, waiting is the worst thing. My husband was waiting for results over a Christmas period. My husband and I both agreed that the wait causes the most horrendous feelings of stress and anxiety. All I can suggest is to try and do something either for yourself that brings joy. if you have a partner and if you have children, try to do something either with your partner (if you have one) or perhaps if you have children, try to do something with them (This will be a distraction to your constant thoughts) I hope you hear soon, I really do.

  • Hi thanks for your reply....I agree the stress and anxiety is the worst thing ever..

    I have a very supporting hubby,but sadly no kiddies,buy we have amazing friends and family......

    I might try to ring the hospital today and see if there's any news..

    I hope things worked out for your husband...and thankyou again for your reply xx