Waiting for Breast Cancer Biopsy Results


Im new on here and I don't even know if anyone will reply. 

52 had my first mammogram on 31st December and was called back on the 15th Jan for another mammogram, CT Scan and Biopsy as they had concern about a certain area.  I went back from my results and was advised that they wanted to do an vacuum biopsy on the area. I went back this Tuesday and they changed the plan and did a biopsy on another close to the first. They said there is a possibility they may have to do surgery to remove the whole area. I was in alot of pain Tuesday and rested up.  My left boob has been very itchy prior to all this drama and I dont know if its just my age of part of the issue. 

Anyways, I have an appointment for my results on Thursday.  I have been going on my own for all these appointments, however my mum has insisted she comes with me next week. 

Im not sure how to feel, should I be worried, I feel I have to put everything on hold until I know what I am dealing with. Am I being a drama queen and its just procedure. Its a bit overwhelming... Im not sleeping well but then I dont really. its like a little black cloud over my head at the moment. 

I have a great network of friends and work, however some say dont worry about it keep positive, some listen but unless you are going through it, its difficult to explain what you are feeling . 


  • The biopsy waiting bit is always at best worrying. I'm on my 3rd such at moment (tongue, 7 years ago, had surgery, prostate 4 years ago, ERT and drugs, now tongue again!). Doesn't get easier, except that now I'm older, so less to lose!

    Just hope that your results as good as possible. Good luck, Dave.

  • Offline in reply to dj48

    Bless you Dave, life is precious and it doesnt matter how old you are.

    Thank you for your reply, its hard to focus on anything especially at work... its so distracting. Rollercoaster ride at the moment...

    I am going to try to keep myself busy this weekend so it comes around quickly. Once I know what I am having to deal with then I will feel more in control. 

    Take care 


  • Offline in reply to Kelly72

    No problem. 

    And you're right, for me if not for all, knowing and some certainty is better than not.

    Stay busy! Good luck, D.

  • Hi Kelly, just wanted to wish you well for Thursday. I have been recalled for further investigation following a mammogram, appointment Thursday too. I had treatment for early stage breast cancer two years ago. I've recovered well, forget about it most days. I think the waiting affects everyone differently. I struggled to sleep, felt terrified, kept having to retreat to the bathroom to hide!! Whatever gets you through! I'm 52 as well but was on a trial for screening for women just under 50, Case4

  • Hi just to say my experience many years ago on breast cancer was to try and keep busy remember todays treatment is very advanced , I don’t personally think until you’ve been through it you can totally understand. I was 36 I had no operation but chemo and radiotherapy im now 69 and have pre cancerous cells in my uterus , I’ve led a totally normal life with a positive attitude, I was the youngest of four children we all had different cancers which I would imagine is very unheard of . Keep strong sending love.