5 month after giving birth.

This past month I’ve noticed a few signs.. I’m having abnormal bleeding, pain on one side and lower back pain also I’ve become pretty tired. When I was 36 weeks pregnant I was admitted to hospital with kidney infection, I then had a massive bleed and they could not explain to me why! I had an ultrasound and they didn’t find anything wrong but I don’t know if that was one of the signs? Is it normal to be experiencing all these symptoms or should I get checked? 

  • Hello Kmg9023,
    I noticed your post hadn’t received a reply yet, so I just wanted to pop in and welcome you to the forum.
    I'm r sorry to hear that you're feeling unwell and experiencing these symptoms.
    While I can’t offer medical advice, I’d strongly recommend reaching out to a healthcare professional who can properly assess your situation. They’ll be able to guide you through this and hopefully provide the reassurance you need.
    In the meantime, I hope others who can relate to your experience will join in and offer their insights. If you'd like to speak with one of our nurses, the team is available to chat. You can reach them at 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm.
    I truly hope things improve for you, and remember, we’re always here if you need someone to talk to.
    All the best,
    Cancer Chat Moderator
  • Hey 

    I just wanted to pop on and say I'm in the exact same boat only I've been suffering this for 5 years.

    I gave birth in 2020. Bled for 17 weeks before Dr's decided it wasn't normal. Given pills to stop the bleeding for 3 weeks. They worked but as soon as I stopped, I was bleeding on and off again. Referred for a scan and swabs, both normal. Referred to gynae in Feb 2021. Didn't get seen until Dec 2021!!! (I must add my bleeding is between periods and after sex.). They treated me for ectropian at that appointment and said that was the cause of my bleeding. I was relieved and had about 6 months without anymore. Until about July 2022, it started again.  Went back to gp. Had to have swabs and scan again, both normal.  Told there was a 52 week wait so paid to go private. Saw consultant who again treated me for ectropian so same as before. However this time, the bleeding never stopped. Went back to gp again who actually shrugged at me. (Seriously!!!). I paid private again in may 2023 out of frustration and no ectropian but was told that it was probably just one of those things and I shouldn't worry because all my tests are normal, including 2 smear tests.

    During this, I was still on nhs wait list and finally got an appointment exactly a year later so figured I'd go as I still had no cause.  Whilst there they decided the only thing left to do was a womb biopsy. I won't lie, it hurt so much. I wasn't offered any pain relief prior or after. She didn't explain the procedure before hand, the whole experience was upsetting. I was told my cervix looked healthy and that i should probably just go on birth control. I waited 5 months for the results ! Which were thankfully normally but still. O answer.  In October 2024, I noticed the bleeding after sex was getting more and my periods are closer together. I'm lucky if I can go 14 days between them. I had hormone bloods as I asked if it could be perimenopause (I'm 34). Told unlikely and bloods normal. Again told to get coil.  Refused and now Referred again to gyna on another 52 week wait.  Ive been told this morning that I won't get an appointment until October this year.

    I'm so frustrated. There is no way this is normal. This never happened before I had my second baby. No one seems interested. They look at me like I'm a problem.  Its really effecting me mentally. It makes me not want to be intimate with my husband because the anxiety it brings when I bleed after is just awful.

    I'm so sorry this is long.

    I just wanted to give you an idea of what you may have to endure.

    Please push for answers. I hope you get them and keep me updated, maybe there's something different you get offered to me.


  • I went to my GP they done a smear but said they are sending me for an ultrasound and an urgent gyna appointment so hopefully it be soon