Breast biopsy hurt like hell

Hi everyone, I’ve just come back from an appointment at the breast clinic. I was referred by my gp as I have a lumpy area on left breast and an indentation. I’ve had cysts in the past and this lumpy area has behaved exactly like a cyst but obviously the indentation was unusual. They did a mammogram & ultrasound. They said the lumpy bit was an area of concern and one lymph node looked a bit odd. They did a breast biopsy and took some fluid from the lymph node. My goodness the biopsy hurt! 
I’m to go back next week when they’ll have the results. The nurse said they thought it might be a small cancer & they would have a meeting before my appointment to make a plan of action. That sounds pretty definitive? Do they know already just from looking? It’s been like this for a few months, I’m kicking myself for not going to gp sooner. I’m now dosed up on paracetamol with an ice pack on my boob so the pain is much better now. Just feeling pretty shocked. The worst part was telling my family. Thanks for reading my ramblings

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, MoonBeam7.
    I’m sorry to hear about what you’re going through, but it’s reassuring to know that the paracetamol and ice pack have helped ease the pain.
    As many of our members can relate, the wait for results can be an incredibly anxious time, so I hope you’ll find some comfort in connecting with others here who may have had similar experiences and can offer support as you navigate this difficult time.
    If you feel it would help to speak with someone with a medical background, our team of nurses is available on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
    Wishing you all the best as you await your results,
    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator