am looking for some reassurance as I can’t seem to see anyone with a similar story to me. I found a line on the underside of my breast that became more apparent when I raised my arm. Obviously went into panic mode and paid to see a private consultant asap as I was loosing my mind. The consultant couldn’t feel a lump but did say I had some thickened tissue that was smooth and felt benign under the indent. He followed up with a mammogram and a scan of both breasts which was all normal and nothing alarming found. He called the next day to advise I went for an MRI scan as he still wasn’t happy with my having the puckering, this scared me a little but I have followed his advice and booked in for a scan next week. Now the strange part last Friday I started to get pain in my left breast (the one with the indent), it comes and goes and is never in the same area. I am now freaking out about inflammatory breast cancer which I believe doesn’t show so well on other tests. Has anyone else had this kind of pain? I am early 40’s with two small children and I have no idea how they will cope if I have cancer