Transvaginal scan - who will my results be sent to?

Hello. I had an MRI of my pelvis in December this was requested by my spinal surgeon I’ had spinal surgery last year and have ongoing pain. An incidental find on the MRI scan was a 2cm lesion in uterine cervix. Surgeon made a request for TV ultrasound and requested GP make a referral to gynaecologists. I have the scan in a few days. My query is who will the ultrasound results get sent to, my surgeon is very part time and impossible to get hold of. 

I just don’t want things left in limbo.  I’m 50 and have had ongoing bleeding, discharge for 18 months GP just said it was perimenopause. What concerns me is that this lesion was also visible on an MRI I had in 2023 but the radiographer didn’t report it. The radiographer who reported on the most recent scan went back and compared and it was visible then so whatever it is it’s been around a while. 

Thanks in advance 

  • Welcome to the forum, Mazzaeo.
    Thank you for sharing your experience, and I can understand how unsettling it must be to feel like things are in limbo, especially with the uncertainty around the next steps. It sounds like you've been through a lot with your spinal surgery and ongoing pain, and now having this additional concern regarding the lesion is understandably causing you some anxiety.
    It’s great that you’re staying on top of your health and seeking clarification. In answer to your query, your transvaginal ultrasound results will likely be sent to the doctor who requested the scan, which, in this case, seems to be your GP or the gynaecologist you’re referred to.
    I do hope the results provide more answers and that you’ll be able to get the support you need moving forward. If you’re feeling unsure, don’t hesitate to call your GP’s office or the hospital to ask for more information, as they should be able to guide you through the next steps.
    If you’d like to talk things through or have any concerns in the meantime, our team of nurses are available to speak with you. You can reach them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
    Fingers crossed that things start to feel more settled soon, and that you get the answers you need.
    All the best,
    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator