Husband had an MRI of his prostate yesterday and the hospital want to speak to him tomorrow. Does this mean it's cancer?

Hi everyone, 

My husband has been having trouble urinating so had a blood test. His PSA came back at 3.5 (he’s 54). The doctor therefore did an examination and said that while the prostate was enlarged, it was smooth etc so no problem. Said he had no red flags but could send him for an MRI if he would like. She said there was a 50 50 chance they might turn him down for the MrI because of low level concern. Anyway he had the MRi yesterday and they’ve contacted him today as they want to speak to him tomorrow by phone. Is this a bad sign that it is so quick? Would they give a cancer diagnosis over the phone? Can an MrI confirm cancer? 

thanks for any advice 

  • I don't think an MRI can confirm  -  that requires a biopsy. The timing of a reply has seemed to me to not be related to the test result, but that may vary between hospital/dept/doctor.

    Whatever it may be, it is better to have a speedy answer I think.

    Fingers crossed for you both.