Lump not showing on ultrasound


I have a lump/lumy tissue on the right side on my right breast (on the breast wall). It has been there for a few months and now aches constantly. The drs can feel it but the ultra sound didn’t show anything. I have implants (13 years old) and although I know it’s not my implant I think I was so relieved when they said it wasn’t showing on the scan that when she said ‘I think what we’re feeling is the edge of the implant’ I just nodded and smiled. It’s been a week and the ache/pain feels worse, it’s even waking me at night, I’m so worried they have missed something. Am I able to go back to the GP and ask to be re referred or will they just think I’m being a hypochondriac? Has anyone else had a similar experience? 

Thanks x

  • Hello Ss90

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently had some concerns about your breast health. It's good to hear that you've already seen the specialist and there was no immediate cause for concern. 

    However, it's clear from your post that you are still anxious and that the ache/pain is now waking you at night. Do make an appointment to go back to your GP who will hopefully be able to give you some reassurance and improve the discomfort you're experiencing. 

    I hope things settle for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator