Awaiting referral after Smear

I have had abnormal smears for last few years and was referred to hospital, they weren’t concerned but I was put on yearly smears. 2 weeks ago I had my smear done for 2nd time (first one was done November last year but went missing) 

today I received a call from my gp to say that although my smear was normal for HPV it did however show signs of something that could indicate issues either my womb, to be honest I kinda got lost after she said that, she then went on to ask about bleeding, family history etc, my cousin had a full hysterectomy a couple of years ago I can’t quite remember what cancer. I’m also perimenopause but my periods are still regular although I have noticed it’s more like old blood for first few days then I get the red then it goes back to old blood again it’s a horrible dirty colour. My gp has referred me to a gynaecologist today and I’m now freaking myself out, my health isn’t great at the best of times and I suffer with crippling anxiety

whsy should I expect when I go to gynaecologist I’m just desperate for some help if anyone has had similar 

thank you xx

  • A very warm welcome to the Cancer Chat community Maray although I'm sorry to hear you've been referred to the gynaecologist after what was found during your smear test.

    I know this must be worrying but try not to let your thoughts get the better of you if you can. Much easier said than done I know, but when you feel your anxiety rising try and remind yourself that the something else that you're showing signs of may not necessarily be cancer. 

    Hopefully some of our members who have been referred to a gynaecologist will stop by soon to share their experiences and advice but if you'd like to discuss this further with one of our cancer nurses, their phone number is 0808 800 4040 and the helpline is open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    We're sending you all our support whilst you wait Maray and will have our fingers crossed everything will be o.k in the end.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator