Abnormal bleeding

Hey all! I recently posted here as I was referred for a colposcopy after having bleeding after intercourse. I just had the procedure and looking for some more information. It was not as bad as I thought just discomfort so anybody having the procedure please DO NOT worry. I read horror stories and it was far from the truth. The nurses and doctor were incredible and had so much time and patience for me.

So during the procedure the doctor did a smear at the same time so lots of swaps and also a biopsy. Afterwards she said to me there were no obvious signs of cancer and no cell changes. She said I have HPV. Just wondering why they did a biopsy then? She also said no sign of infection. she did mention a sore spot on my cervix, what could this be?

  • I'm really glad to hear your colposcopy went ok Rebecca and that it wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be. 

    Unfortunately I can't answer the questions you've asked in your post but our team of cancer nurses may be able to shed some light on this so if you'd like to have a quick chat with them, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all that they can to help.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been in a similar situation will offer their thoughts and advice to you soon as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator