Blood in stool daily for 4 weeks and positive fit >200

I am currently in recover after having my colonoscopy, aged 44. 

I have been going through this forum to find hope whilst I’ve been in a really dark place waiting my appointment. 

I promised myself whatever the outcome I would join and write on here to hopefully help someone else who is going through this. 

my colonoscopy was clear, several polys were removed and will be sent off for testing but consultant said they look ok to him. I will receive the results from them in the post. However, I was told not to worry. also piles were found which I think he said was the cause of the bleeding.

I will have to go back in a few years, I guess just as I have polys to ensure we get them out every few years but I’m clear. 

So to anyone who is going through the waiting, feeling the have every symptom of BC with a high positive fit, blood in the stool the there is hope and lots of reasons why. So please try and keep positive and stay off Google. 

I have found other positive stories really helpful and helped me find hope, so thank you and I hope this post gives some hope to others too. 

  • Hi Chella-81,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat.

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience here. This will no doubt be very useful to others looking at the forum in future, or searching online.

    It's good to hear that you found other stories helpful too, and that you were keen to post here to help others.

    Best wishes,

    Cancer Chat Moderator