Not sure what's going on

Hi it's my first post. My brother died at 58 last year of liver cancer. I am so scared I may have it I have been feeling unwell can't keep food down and am losing weight  I had an ultra sound Saturday and have received a message saying to call GP as a problem has been found. I feel so anxious 

  • Hello IAMTHEFOX21, 

    A warm welcome to our forum though I am so sorry to hear about what brings you here and the fact that your brother died only last year of liver cancer. I am so sorry for your loss. It must be a terrifying time for you as you are currently undergoing investigations yourself. 

    Have you managed to speak to your GP? I think it's really important that you give your GP a call as soon as possible even if you are understandably feeling very anxious about it. So if you haven't done so already give your doctor a call. We'll be thinking of you in the coming days. Do let us know if you get a moment what you've found out. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that nothing too concerning has been found and that you feel better soon. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator