Just need a chat lung cancer ???

Hi Everyone

I hope today finds you all well and in a positive place

So I’m on a rollercoaster of emotions right now, I had a chest xray that flagged a 2.2cm shadow/growth on my lower right lung and was sent for urgent contrast staging CT scan on Thursday evening.  My GP note was flagged urgent Lung Cancer and I was called into my local surgery for a chat with my doctor.  He couldn’t really shed any light on anything but his parting quote was “hopefully we’ve caught this in time” 

so my journey to hear was nothing more than I thought a virus or common cold that I caught from the children I teach who since November have  all been coughing and sneezing all over me, I teach special needs and frequently get us d as a handkerchief.  All the children suffered for weeks as did a few member of staff including me but I soldiered on, got thru Christmas and went back to work in January.  Then I picked up a virus that has floored me and I can’t shift, fatigue that is debilitating, cough nasal congestion etc etc.  over 3 weeks in and can’t fight it off.

on and off I’ve been breathless, get lots of lower back pain and sometimes pain inbetween my shoulder blades and has awful tiredness for about a year now but put it all down to menopause. 

I know I can’t get answers off anyone who reads this but just feel like the odds are against me from what has been written and said so far by NHS.  

had anyone else out here had this and it’s all come back ok

thank you all so much for reading my worries but getting it off my mind has helped massively .

Nicky xxxx

  • Hi Nicky and welcome to the Cancer Chat community.

    I'm sorry to hear about the shadow/growth that was found during your chest x-ray and that you are now anxiously waiting for the results of your CT with contrast scan.

    Waiting for news and coping with the worry that comes with it is always tough, but our members are here for you Nicky and I'm sure it won't be long until some of them stop by to offer their support and advice.

    I'm glad writing everything down has helped you Nicky but if you'd like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk to and will do all they can to support you and put your mind at ease whilst you wait to find out more.

    We're sending you all our support Nicky and will have our fingers crossed for a good outcome.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Steph 

    I’ve just recieved results that state no malignancy and very confused .  My Gp is now treating me for pneumonia but I can’t help but feel scared, no biopsies taken so how can they no this. 

    I’ve been told repeat CT scan in 3 months for a possible resolution.  

    I’m now on antibiotics so guess I will have to see if these help and that repeat scan shows a clearance of what they originally found .  I’m truly disgusted that I was scared out of my wits by my GP who sat there and told me “hopefully we’ve caught this in time” as his parting shot as I left their office on Thursday 


  • Just wanted to say that you aren’t alone in being frightened out of your wits by a GP. When I was being investigate for a mass found in my pelvis i kept being told “at least we have caught this early” and the likes. It was terrifying and since then have been told it’s benign. 
    I sometimes wonder if maybe GPs just deal with cancer so much that they don’t feel the panic is causes. 
    So glad to read yours is benign too. I had pleurisy last year so I understand the breathlessness and tiredness. Hopefully you are on the mend very soon. 

  • Thank you cloudy 1986 

    im going to roll with pneumonia and pray they got it right  just in your head without biopsies you think how do they no it’s got no malignancy. Totally baffles me.

    oh god the fatigue is like something else I’m so exhausted but it’s taken me nearly 4 weeks to get treatment .  Had days where I could hardly walk and just cried.  

    glad your news was positive and this isn’t the first scare for me had womb biopsies etc done I last year same Dr filled me with fear that time too.  

    take care we are the lucky ones