Hi Everyone
I hope today finds you all well and in a positive place
So I’m on a rollercoaster of emotions right now, I had a chest xray that flagged a 2.2cm shadow/growth on my lower right lung and was sent for urgent contrast staging CT scan on Thursday evening. My GP note was flagged urgent Lung Cancer and I was called into my local surgery for a chat with my doctor. He couldn’t really shed any light on anything but his parting quote was “hopefully we’ve caught this in time”
so my journey to hear was nothing more than I thought a virus or common cold that I caught from the children I teach who since November have all been coughing and sneezing all over me, I teach special needs and frequently get us d as a handkerchief. All the children suffered for weeks as did a few member of staff including me but I soldiered on, got thru Christmas and went back to work in January. Then I picked up a virus that has floored me and I can’t shift, fatigue that is debilitating, cough nasal congestion etc etc. over 3 weeks in and can’t fight it off.
on and off I’ve been breathless, get lots of lower back pain and sometimes pain inbetween my shoulder blades and has awful tiredness for about a year now but put it all down to menopause.
I know I can’t get answers off anyone who reads this but just feel like the odds are against me from what has been written and said so far by NHS.
had anyone else out here had this and it’s all come back ok
thank you all so much for reading my worries but getting it off my mind has helped massively .
Nicky xxxx