Suspected Melanoma


This is not my first time here but I guess I just wanted to get my thoughts down. Also, I have found it difficult to find any posts similar to my situation. 

In around November 2023, after a new tattoo I noticed a mole on my back. I kind of forgot about it and in December 2024 I started feeling a 'crawling'type feeling on my back on the same side as the mole. I got my son to touch the mole and that is exactly where the crawly feeling was. It also tingles and I've noticed that sometimes after eating I feel a tingling sensation, almost like I'm feeding something. 

I went to the GP who said that the mole has different colours in it so is referring me. I have an appointment on Wednesday but this is just for the photograph thing (sorry for the non-technical wording!).

The concern for me is when I looked through old photographs, it definitely ws not there in 2019, but it definitely was there in 2021, although it was a little smaller. However, pictures are not necessarily the best as the only one I could find was from a distance so I had to enlarge the image to see it. 

I guess my biggest fear now is that if it is melanoma as suspected, how advanced would it be if I've left it for that many years. I am also black, but fair skinned so this is another concern. I do have freckles on my face and I also now have a lot of very small freckles on my back and I'm guessing this larger one (around 5mm) may have started as a freckle looking mole. As it is on my back I cannot really see it so well, even with a handheld mirror so am relying on other people or photographs to see it. 

I am absolutely terrified that I have allowed this thing to evolve and even though I only first noticed it in 2023, it has been growing over a number of years. I also know that the size on the skin is not indicative of what is happening underneath the skin. 

The mole is flat and light and dry dark brown in places. 

I guess I'm asking if anyone else has been through a similar situation and if so what was the outcome for you?


  • Hi Niam, 

    I noticed you haven't had a reply just yet so I wanted to stop by to reassure you that your post has been seen.

    My reply will also allow our members to see your post again, so hopefully those who have contended with suspicious looking moles will share their experiences and advice with you soon.

    I hope writing everything down has helped, but if you would like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all they can to answer your questions and put your mind at ease whilst you wait.

    The wait for results can be very tough but we're here for you Niam and will have our fingers crossed everything will be o.k.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Niam

    I am new here. Today I had a wide excision and a sentinel node biopsy, also for Melanoma.

    your story is so similar to mine. I am a very moley person and hadn’t paid too much attention to the ones I had. I am, or was, a sun lover which is obviously a factor for my condition now. 
    mine was on my shoulder, and it had been there a while but wasn’t causing any issues so I ignored it. It wasn’t until it started itching and oozing that I decided to go to the GP. I was immediately put on the 2 week pathway, I had it removed under local anaesthetic and sent to histology. Obviously the results came back as melanoma. Stage T2a but because it’s oozing was moved to stage T2b. It was 1.7mm thick, which is quite thick I think.
    I think the same as you but it’s done now. Luckily after the first removal it showed my margins were clear but recommended I had further surgery. I was only in for 1 day at the hospital and to be honest I’m glad that bit is over. Unfortunately it can take up to 3 weeks for the results of the biopsy to come back, which is the worst bit as it will show if it’s spread. I can’t change anything, I’m just taking each day as it comes. You know every cloud has a silver lining- treatment for melanoma has come on leaps and bounds don’t read google, just listen to your consultant. 
    good luck and let me know how you get on. I’ve got all my fingers crossed for you

  • Offline in reply to Karee

    Hi Karee,

    Thank you for reading my post and responding. 

    I am so sorry about your diagnosis but pleased you have had the procedures done and your margins are clear. Hopefully that means they have got everything and you can move forward. Also, that is a great hospital so you will hopefully have excellent care. 

    I agree that the waiting is the worst! I had a teledermatology appointment yesterday where they take photos of the lesion. The photographer was a nice lady but she was unable to answer any questions as she said she is not a doctor. I left expecting to hear something within 2 weeks but got a letter just before 6pm saying I need to come in for a face to face. In the diagnosis section of the letter it just said ‘not specified’ so that has my anxiety spiralling. 

    I have unfortunately been googling, trying to find someone who has a similar circumstance to mine but haven’t found a lot, but what I have read has got me preparing for the worst. 

    Do you have a good support network? I think that’s really important. What is the next step for you and how are you genuinely feeling. I know this journey can feel a bit lonely. 

    Did you get any of your other moles checked? I don’t really have moles but I have always had freckles. The one on my back is a stand out as there was never anything there before. I’m just beating myself up that I left it for so long and am worried about what’s happening under the skin. 

    I hope you’re not feeling too much discomfort and I pray that your biopsy results come back clear following the excision. 

    Please keep me updated and feel free to send a private message if you want to chat. 

    Think of you and really hope that everything is going to be ok. 


  • Offline in reply to niam

    Hi Niam,

    It's good you had the teledermatology appointment and that, although it's a worry for you, they are acting quickly. Hopefully you will receive an appointment through quickly.

    The triage system of teledermatology has been introduced since Covid in a way to manage the GP referrals. A dermatologist will have examined the photos and they decide if the mole/lesion looks unusual and needs further investigation. When you go for your appointment they will examine the mole through a dermatascope & they will then decide if it's best to remove it for a biopsy. Unless the dermatascope shows cells that aren't changing (meaning the mole is fine) they always remove the mole at a later appointment in day surgery (as Karee had done). A biopsy is the only way to 100% tell if the mole is malignant or not. 

    75% of moles are found to be non cancerous or dysplastic (also known as atypical or precancerous). Dysplastic moles look dodgy but have been caught before they turn malignant. Most of the 25% that are melanoma have been caught early and will be successfully treated after another wide local excision (WLE).

    Please don't google anymore - it's not up to date and focuses on worse case scenarios so it just fuels anxiety. The best websites are this CRUK website, Melanoma Focus and the British Association of Dermatologists where the information is bang up to date.

    Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)