Breast cancer symptoms

Hello - 
I went to the GP last week with intermittent pain at the top on my left breast, shoulder blade and shoulder - I thought it was my heart. Whilst checking me, she found a small lump and thickening. Of course she said its probably nothing, but has referred me on to the breast clinic. Does this sound similar to anyone else's story? 

 Charlotte xx

  • Hello Charlotte

    Your symptoms have some similarity to mine a year ago. I had pain across the left breast and high up across the breast bone. There was also discomfort in the shoulder and armpit area. My GP thought it might be heart related and I was initially treated for angina. This was disproved when an x-ray and ct scan showed an abnormality in the left breast. The resulting mammograms,ultrasound and biopsies confirmed cancer in the breast and lymph nodes. The thickening you refer to was similar to mine but I could feel no lump - only what I could describe as a swelling which I thought was probably inflammation of the breast bone.

    It is impossible to know for certain until you have an examination and the relevant tests at the breast clinic.Most women who are referred are told that they do not have cancer so please do not  assume it is.

    Wishing you the best of luck!
