Brain tumour diagnosis looking likely. How do people cope with chemo/radiotherapy sickness?


I’ve been diagnosed well , we don’t have the full diagnosis back after 7 weeks, but I suspect it will be Glioma grade 4 , wildtype.

My query is re: chemo/ radio and sickness.
I’m still  working out how to take my antiemetic, as I have epilepsy to throw in as well. 
im either v sick or bunged up! 

My timings seem to be all out. 
my anti epileptic meds have to be taken bds at 7:30/19.30 so I take Domperidone at 7 and I feel the effect wearing off by 11 when I need to take by chemo . It’s only day 5!!! 
Eugh , 

Anyone else affected like this? 

  • A very warm welcome to the forum Fifa17 although I'm sorry to hear you think you may be diagnosed with grade 4 glioma.

    Hopefully some of our members will offer their tips and advice to you soon but I hope the  coping with sickness (nausea) section of our website will help in the meantime.

    If you'd like some further information and advice, you can give our team of cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040. Their phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all that they can to help.

    Make sure you speak with your medical team about this as well as they will be in the best position to advise.

    I hope you're able to figure out the most effective way of taking your tablets soon and all goes well with your treatment.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator