Smear to LLETZ


I had my first smear last year and had low grade dyskaryosis cells. I was worried but had a trip to Colposcopy where I was sent away with no biopsy or treatment needed. 

I had my follow up smear this January and got my results the week after. It was now high grade (moderate). I got a Colposcopy appointment for a week after, this Thursday. I knew I’d likely have a biopsy as it had advanced but was hoping I would be sent away with nothing.

Thursday came around and my partner held my hand as the amazing practitioner had a look (honestly couldn’t have asked for a better person to be doing the check). She’d already explained they could do a biopsy but if it looked bad they could do an LLETZ. She had a look and explained they would need to do an LLETZ. I immediately panicked. The area was clear enough that they were worried. I agreed to the procedure which was absolutely fine (hated the sudden adrenaline rush as my heart was racing). I’m now dealing with the discharge and constant worry that I may get an infection. 

I’m also now worried that due to the sample they took I may actually have cancer. And if I do I want to be as prepared as possible. So I guess I came here to find out what other people have done? I’m only 25. Can I freeze my eggs? Will I be able to have children? Will I loose my uterus? Obviously I know these simply aren’t things anyone can answer until I get my results and have any treatment if needed. But I’m scared and I’m worrying and I would just love some reassurance or information about what others have had. 

Thank you for reading x

  • Hello Becky2325,

    I can understand how you're feeling, but it's important to take this a step at a time.

    When you’re worried that you may have cancer, it can be tempting to overthink things and to think the worst, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better. We have information on our website around coping with waiting for news and if you have symptoms of anything in the meantime, do contact your clinic.

    I hope this is helpful,

    Moderator Anastasia