MRI on prostate PIRADS 5 Awaiting biopsy

Hi everyone I’m new on here and felt the need to post something as worried but know answer will only come after biopsy.

in 2021 prostate found to be enlarged 85cv and PSA around 7. Had a legion in trans zone rated PIRADS 3. Monitored.

2023 put on Finasteride and PSA fell to 1.5.

Jan 2024 PSA roae to 3 and in Dec 2025 PSA was 6.

3 days ago MRI (my first since 2021) Prostate size 90cc and legion PITADS 5 lymph nodes and seminal vesticles normal.

Awaiting perinium biopsy originally local anesthetc but as i faint ive asked for a general.

quite healthy and have had recent full blood count test and all normal.

only thing is joint issues that flared up over last two years. Ie old mcl knee ligament playing up lead to sprained anckle on same leg and i have what gp thinks is tendonitis in both wrists that keeps coming back. You can guess what Im worrying about if i do have cancer.

not sure what I’m expecting back from writing this…..

  • Hi Buttonphobic, 

    Thank you coming here and sharing your story and I just wanted to welcome you to our forum. I hope you are not feeling too nervous as you are awaiting this biopsy under general anaesthetic. I hope the wait isn't too long and that you can have it soon. It's good news that your full blood count test was all normal. I can completely understand why you would be worried about the joint issues which have flared up in the last couple of years but try not to link this to your other issues as it may be totally unrelated. But do mention your fears and worries about these joint problems to your medical team who will be able to answer your questions and also tell you how best to treat this recurrent tendonitis and ligament issues.  

    I am keeping everything crossed for you for your biopsy results! Let us know what you find out when the results come through. Many other members of our community have been in a similar place and had all these tests before and I am sure they will be happy to come and say hello and share their experience with you. Hopefully you will meet others here who have been through all this before as it helps to talk to someone else in the same boat. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • All I can say is that yes cannot know where any of this might be going before the biopsy. FWIW it is indeed painful with a local, but my starting point is always avoid general anaesthetics unless absolutely no choice!

    My prostate "experience" was:

    Gleason 4+5, T2c (broad capsular abutment), PSA 18.6 adenocarcinoma of the prostate


    1. Radiotherapy to the prostate, 60 Gy in 20 fractions completed 05/08/21

    2. Two years of LHRH analogues, due to complete March 2023.

    Side effects of the drugs not exactly pleasant, but PSA  results have continued on target, now down to annual testing.

    Just......good luck, keep stuff together.


  • Just an update

    i had my biopsy by GA and all went well.

    yesterday i had the outcome appointment which revealed no carcinoma but they couldn’t give the ‘all-clear’ as they found ‘some small lynphocytes’ giving a suspiscion of lymphoma. Had it pointed out how rare it is for prostatic lymphoma 0.01%. 

    my results have been sent to the lymphoma specialists in Bristol for molecular genetic testing. So now waiting, 2 weeks after biopsy for their answer. Might have to wait 2 weeks so having a CT scan in mean time.

  • Sounds encouraging rather than otherwise. Good luck.
