Waiting on mri results

My 24yr old daughter has been suffering symptoms such as sickness and slight weight loss for some months now. 2 weeks ago she was referred to oncology, had a scan that revealed a large lesion on her liver, and was given an urgent mri on Mon. It's now Friday so I feel slightly reassured  that we havent been contacted yet as id like to think we'd have heard by now if the tumour was malignant? In the meantime my daughter continues to vomit every time she eats and has significant pain in the liver area. Am I right to feel optimistic?

Many thanks

  • Hi Kazed, 

    Your poor daughter going through this at such a young age  - that sickness must be really concerning and I hope that they can get to the bottom of what is causing this. It's good that they have done an urgent MRI to find out what is going on and you will find on our page on the MRI scan that you would expect to get your results within 1 or 2 weeks so don't hesitate to contact them and chase these results if you haven't heard anything back next week. Unfortunately it's hard to draw any conclusions from the fact that you haven't had the results yet but I am keeping everything crossed for you that they haven't found anything malignant. 

    It must be such a stressful time for you and I hope that you will find out more soon about what this lesion on her liver is. I hope that your daughter feels better soon and that it all ends up being nothing of concern. If you get a chance, give us a little update on what you find out when you get the results. 

    Other members of our community may have been in a similar position having to wait for important results after suffering similar symptoms and I hope that they will come along and share their experience with you. While you are waiting, I thought I would share with you our helpful tips  to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I had the same symptoms last Easter and was taken into hospital and put on iv drip antibiotics I also had pain in tummy was given an MRCP scan it turned out my liver was failing due to gallbladder severely inflamed.

    They put the camera down my throat and removed 6 gallstones from the bile duct.  A few weeks later I had keyhole surgery to remove the gallbladder, still get pain sickness and diarrhoea which is horrific.

    My results came back showing slight elisions in colon which the took 2 foot out as well as gallbladder.

    i get regular blood tests to keep an eye on my liver and my weight loss without trying since Easter is nearly 2stone which I can’t lose any more my diet is only white meat oily fish salads no dressings no dairy no red meat and not gluten, last week back to get blood test results I’m low in iron, folic acid, vit D3 so I’m checked regularly and been diagnosed with celiac disease.  I have severe damage to my colon and nothing can be done but they say I need to try and keep calorie uptake up mission impossible husband now has a permanent bowl in loo because of this they said it would settle down after 3 months still waiting my MRI and MRCP scans took 2 weeks for results it’s not worth worrying about because it makes you nervous and that can make you sick physically as well as mentally.

    i wish you and your daughter all the best and hopefully it will clear up the liver is the only organ that can heal itself or get a bit cut away it will grow back better.

  • Hi Kazed

    Incidental findings of liver lesions are quite common, whilst having an ultrasound.  Vast majority of them turn out to be benign.  I was found to have a large tumour on my liver last May, it was 11cm x 6cm x 6cm.  I was sent for urgent ct scan and mri scan, I then had to wait for the results to be discussed at the regular MDT meeting (this happens even for benign tumours /lesions).  In my case, even after the MRI, the doctors were not sure if it was benign or malignant.  I think I had the MRI scan on a Thursday and the MDT meeting was the following Friday, I got a call to say that I would need surgery in the afternoon, after the meeting.  Because mine was close to the main artery supplying my liver, I was scheduled straight for surgery to remove it, rather than waiting for a biopsy first.  I had a liver resection at the beginning of August to remove it. I then had to wait nearly 9 weeks for the pathology results to find out if it was malignant.  Luckily it turned out to be a benign Adenoma.

    I am in my mid-50's, so a lot older than your daughter.  I had no symptoms at all prior to it being found, it was only a raised liver enzyme which prompted the ultrasound.

    Hopefully the MRI result will show that it is a benign lesion and that they can soon get to the bottom of what is causing your daughters sickness.

    I hope that you get some answers soon.

    Best wishes


  • Many thanks for your kind words and advice Lucie. I shall certainly provide an update when we receive the results. My daughter has become worse over the weekend so I think a gentle phone call yo the hospital tomorrow is on the cards.

    Best wishes


  • Many thanks for your reply Shona and gor your kind wishes. I'm so sorry to hear of all your suffering and your diagnosis of celiac disease.

    I hope your symptoms calm down soon despite the damage to the colon.

    Wishing you all the very best


  • Many thanks for your reply Annie, all this information has been hugely helpful. 9 weeks was a long time for you to wait for news- thank goodness the results were positive.

    My daughter has had symptoms for such a long time and we've always been told it's Ibs so the discovery of this lesion was quite a shock. I understand that some benign lesions may be caused by various medications- my daughter suffers from complex ptsd and D.I.D so is on alot of tablets. Hopefully we'll have some answers this week.

    Best wishes
