Calprotectin result of 1115 - is this cancer?

I had a Calprotectin result of 1115, could this be due to Cancer? I am in a lot of pain. This is having an adverse effect on my life. I constantly have to be near a toilet. I also vomit regularly as well as having to use the toilet regularly.

  • Welcome to the forum Caramel-25 although I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms and for the worry the results of your calprotectin test is causing. 

    The calprotectin test is used to check for inflammation in the bowel. It can be one of the tests a GP requests if they suspect bowel cancer, but that doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer. I'm not sure from your post if you have discussed your results with your doctor, but if not, try and do so the next time you see them as they will be able to explain this in more detail and answer any other questions you have about this.

    You're very welcome to have a chat about this with our cancer nurses as well who are available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    We're here for you Caramel-25 and hopefully some of our members who have had a similar result after having this test will share their outcomes and advice with you soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator