Breast biopsy hand hold needed

I don’t know my results as of yet but the waiting is brutal and getting harder as time goes on. I’ve been waiting 10 days for results so far.

i found a small lump in the upper inner quadrant that feels like a little blueberry under the skin. After waiting to see if it would go I visited my GP who suggested we waist another couple of weeks to see if it went away as he thought it may be hormonal. It didn’t so her referred me and after another three weeks I visited the breast clinic for further investigation.

mammograms were clear thankfully so consultant checked with and ultrasound, she said if I hadn’t pointed out where is was she would have missed it.

after the ultrasound she said it was indeterminate and offered me the choice to come back in three months to check it again or said she was happy to do biopsy there and then.

I asked what she’d do 3 months if it was still there and she said they’d then want a biopsy so as I know I’d worry myself silly for three months and it was likely they’d do it anyway,  I elected for the biopsy. She said I would get my results within next 7 days but I’ve heard nothing and it’s now 10 days.

The waiting is becoming harder and harder and I feel sick waiting for a call. I want to know but don’t want to know the results at the same time. Does indeterminate mean she wasn’t concerned or at this point  just couldn’t tell. Is it normal to leave something for three months that could potentially be cancerous? My mind’s been running a bit wild tbh, guess I would just like to hear others experiences in hope it might calm my racing mind! 

  • Hi Karmic48, 

    I am not surprised your mind has been running wild after all this but you did the right thing I think in having the biopsy straight away rather than wait three months - this way you will not have to live with the anxiety of not knowing what it might be for many months. There is information on our website you might be interested in reading on the breast biopsy and it mentions that you should get your results within 1-2 weeks and if you haven’t heard anything after a couple of weeks, make sure you contact the doctor who arranged the test and chase those results. 

    Waiting for results is indeed the hardest thing and time seems to drag on and stand still sometimes as many members of our community will know only too well. We have these helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for important news which I hope will give you some good strategies to deal with this long anxious wait. 

    I am keeping everything crossed for you that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. Let us know what you find out if you get a moment! 

    I will now let other members of our forum come and say hello and I am sure they will have some comforting words for you based on their personal stories and experiences. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator 

  • Thanks Lucie, I really appreciate your reply and the articles which were super helpful.

    finally got my results today and it says it’s a benign change thankfully and have asked me to go back to the breast clinic in three weeks, I guess for a check up and to get a better understanding of the results.

    its been a really scarey couple of months tbh and the relief is profound, I broke down in tears when I got the letter.

    the breast clinic have been amazing and the support on here has too so thanks again