Liver Lesion

I've had stomach pain and bloating over the last couple of years,told it was IBS and constipation.Pain got worse over the last few months.GP said it was gallstones, had an abdominal and pelvic Ultrasound.Receved results yesterday and there is a lesion on my liver.I've been referred as priority for an MRI.

This time last year I found a lump on my breast.It was benign but precancerous cells were located during mammogram so I had surgery.Received the all clear thank god.I am awaiting Genetic test as the BRCA gene is in my mother's family,her sister and mother died of breast cancer and her brother was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.

I am 45 years old,I have 3 Sons,I am a very positive person and I always look at the better outcome..Would really appreciate some advice and looking for anyone who has been in the same situation and got good results.

  • Hi Lou,

    Not all liver lesions are cancer. A lesion showed up on my liver when I had a pre-op scan before I had a full clearance of nodes in my groin and pelvis (Stage 3 melanoma). After 2 months I had another scan for comparison & there had been no change in the size or appearance of the lesion. My oncologist was happy that it was just a mark. He explained that, just as we can get birth marks & spots on our skin, we also get them internally. That was almost 16 years ago so it was definitely a benign lesion. I also know a couple of other cancer patients whose liver lesions were benign. Hopefully that's the same for you. Good luck,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)