WLE result

Hi, I had a WLE for suspected melanoma on 22nd December 25 and still haven’t had my results. I’m taking the wait that I’m all clear but as I didn’t have a biopsy first and just booked a WLE two weeks after my first dermatology appointment they may have got it wrong and I didn’t have melanoma at all? I suppose my question is has anyone got results after a WLE 6wks+ later and it’s been bad news? Thanks ️ 

  • Hi,

    I'm a little confused as to why they booked you to have a WLE when you hadn't had an excision biopsy first? Do you have a copy of any paperwork stating that the surgery was a WLE rather than a biopsy excision? Without a biopsy they can't know if it's melanoma at the moment. They will send all the removed mole & surrounding tissue to histology for a biopsy & your results will tell you if it is melanoma, the depth & the stage. 

    Results are taking a long time at the moment - some areas of the UK are managing to take 4 weeks whilst some are taking anything up to 10 weeks - most are taking 6 to 8 weeks. The time it takes to get the results bears no reflection on whether they are good or bad. The samples are seen & dealt with in the order they are received. 

    If the surgical staff didn't indicate to you how long results are taking at that hospital, I suggest you contact them next week & ask what the current position is. If they've received them back they still have to be discussed at the weekly MDT - Multi Disciplinary Team meeting consisting of consultants from Dermatology, Plastics, Oncology & specialist nurses. They decide on the next step (discharge if the mole was benign, further treatment if melanoma). You will then be contacted - usually with an appointment for face to face results, whether good or bad. A few consultants will send a letter if it's good news but most prefer to see the patient to check the surgical site is healing.

    Good luck, I hope you aren't waiting too much longer & the results bring good news. Please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Hi AngieT thanks for getting in touch. Yeah you were right it was a biopsy with a 1cm parameter I have to now have a WLE booked for 26th March luckily mine came back as in situ - they are taking a further 5mm. Can I asked do they just reopen the original scar and widen that- I assume it won’t look much different from now when healed?. I hope you are doing ok and  thank you for taking the time to get in touch. Sorry for late response managed to get flu! I consider myself very lucky . I wish you all the best and thanks again xox