Terrified that I have Inflammatory Breast Cancer and that it's spread...

Hey, 26F here and terrified.

Two days ago I started feeling a soreness next to my left nipple. It stings and is tender to touch. I have never had kids, never breast fed etc but thought it might be mastitis - I don’t have any of the classic symptoms of redness, discharge etc though, it’s just a little sore. My right breast is also a bit sore because I’m ovulating but it’s not nearly as sore as my left breast and there is no sore patch.

Last night I started getting a sweats and chills and called 111 (UK) who told me to go to urgent care. 5 hours later a GP examined both my breasts and said he couldn’t feel any lumps and they looked symmetrical. He told me breast cancer doesn’t typically hurt etc etc and said I might be early stages of mastitis and prescribed antibiotics and anti inflammatories.

Today I’ve taken almost a day worth of the meds. Symptoms are all the same and I’m now having a burning sensation in my left shoulder blade (same side as the painful breast) - it’s getting quite painful and intense and feels like a real pressure. My right shoulder blade also hurts slightly/has a slight burning sensation but it’s nothing compared to my left - I’m now freaking myself out thinking I’ve got IBC and it’s either spread to my shoulders or is pressing down on some nerves. Would symptoms come on this quickly?? It’s literally been like 48 hours? I’m ovulating so wonder if this could be hormonal (if so wtf?)

I’ve still got chills and soreness. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning that I will probably still take and beg for an ultrasound :(

If it weren’t for the shoulder pressure/pain I’d be more assured that this is just mastitis??? I’m so scared, there’s so much in life I haven’t done yet and I’m so scared of leaving my partner behind without me because both her parents have had cancer and her Dad died of it.

I have terrible health anxiety which probably isn't helping matters but I know that the outlook if I do have ICB isn't great, especially if it's spread to my shoulder. I'm so *** scared :(

  • Hello catsandfootball

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had some concerns about your breast health recently. It's good to hear that you've already seen a doctor and I hope that your own GP was able to give you some reassurance when you saw them. 

    Do keep in touch with your GP if things don't improve over the coming days. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator