I'm having my colonoscopy tomorrow. I'm scared. I've lost over a stone in 3 weeks. Had CT scan on Monday. I just hope it's not stage 4. Pains in my stomach, right side and below belly button. Positive FIT test 220. Keep me in your thoughts
I'm having my colonoscopy tomorrow. I'm scared. I've lost over a stone in 3 weeks. Had CT scan on Monday. I just hope it's not stage 4. Pains in my stomach, right side and below belly button. Positive FIT test 220. Keep me in your thoughts
Hello Stikeyv
I'm sorry to hear that you've had some recent health concerns. How did things go with your colonoscopy yesterday? Were the team able to give you some answers?
If there's anything you're like to talk through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Do let us know how you are when you're able to Stikeyv. We're here for you.
Best wishes,
Cancer Chat moderator
The colonoscopy and endoscopy were okay. But now I'm fretting about the CT scan. I'm still losing weight. I feel like I'm back at share one again. The CT scan was on Monday NHS. I scared to get a call from my doctor