I've recently been referred for an ultrasound as I've been bleeding vaginally for over 7 months every day. It started off as every other day but for the past 6 months has been every day. It's bright red and light bleeding but it's there's when I wee and every time I wipe and on my underwear. The GP prescribed me Norethisterone to stop the bleeding and have taken for over 24 hours and am still bleeding. I feel constantly tired and my bladder and bowel habits have changed over the past 4 months. When I first feel the need to wee I have to go straight away or I wet myself, I go 2-3 times an hour and sometimes suffer with faecal incontinence too. I've had a UTI test which was negative. My full blood count came back normal. I've been unable to have my well overdue smear due to the bleeding.
Please can anyone share their similar experience or give me some advice ?
I'm so fed up, anxious and concerned. I'm 30. Just don't get it.