Colonoscopy Pathology

Hi, I am 46M and last week I had a colonoscopy due to a positive FIT test and some recent digestive issues.

The colonoscopy found 6 polyps, a few small ones but also two10mm and one 20mm. Two of the larger polyps couldn't be removed at the time and I am going back next week to have them out with an EMR procedure.

The endescopist on the day said that all the polyps were pre cancerous but he was surprised to find them and suggested that I may have a genetic condition and may need yearly scoping.

Since then I have been reading up on polyps and have scared myself silly! 

I guess I am posting this looking for some reassurance. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How sure can the doc be on the day that they are all pre cancerous? 

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply.

  • Hello JB1978

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently had some health concerns and that following your colonoscopy you've now been told that you may need some more regular checkups. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious about this. 

    I presume from your post that at some point you will have a follow-up with a specialist who will have all the results of your procedures and will be able to hopefully answer some of your questions and give you some reassurance about the future. 

    We know that many people turn to the internet looking for answers and information. We also know that most often what happens is that they are left with more questions and concerns than beforehand so if you can avoid Google for the moment that may help with any anxiety you're feeling. In the meantime, I wonder if it might be a good idea for you to discuss things with one of our nurses. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information and support they can. If you'd like to talk with them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that over the coming weeks, you get some answers and reassurance. Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator