Hi all, I'm 29 years old and recently had some bleeding after sex with my partner of 9 years. I went to the GP the day after who did an examination and she said my cervix looks inflamed. She has now referred me for a Colposcopy which I am having tomorrow. I am sick with worry about all of this! In my last smear, I tested positive for HPV which I was told was low-grade and not the kind to turn into Cancer and should clear on its own. Alongside this, I've been having some burning/stinging sensations in my vagina. I am also due on my period which doesn't help all of this. I have not experienced any pain of sorts, just some mild cramping similar to period cramps in the following days after the bleeding. I haven't had sex since as it scared me a bit. I'm worried about the colposcopy procedure and I'm also worried about what all of this could be and of course, potential cervical cancer. After some research, I've looked up cervicitis and PID which sound similar to what I am experiencing. Could anybody help or offer some advice? I'm worried my GP saw something which is why she immediately referred me for a colposcopy.