Breast lump!

I found a breast lump on the 22nd of December, wasn’t painful I only found it by chance, I assumed it was nothing to worry about and left it. Fast forward to 11th jan my armpit is swollen the lumps abit bigger and i have white coloured nipple discharge. I booked in with out of hours gp who referred me to my local hospital. I went on Saturdays to the breast clinic, the consultant did an ultrasound and said he couldn’t see anything sends me for a more advanced ultrasound the lady again says she can feel it but can’t see it on ultrasound I was back in the consultants office for 2 minutes where he said go home if it’s still there in 5 weeks I’ll biopsy it , my partner asked if it’s anything to be worried about and he said nope I think it’s benign. I was in complete shock so left with my partner, I rang the clinic today to say I’m not happy being left so long I’m worried to be told the consultant has now said he thinks it’s inflammatory, I asked for the biopsy and a mammogram and they told me I’m to young (29) I’ve been to my gp this evening who have referred me to a different hospital under the two week wait thing. I’m so terrified and worried has anyone ever experience similar? 

  • Hi Jeeesicax, 

    I think you did the right thing in going to your GP again and it's good that they are referring you now and that you won't have to wait too long to be seen. It's reassuring that they were not able to see anything suspicious and that they told you they thought it was benign but for peace of mind it's worth having everything thoroughly checked and I am keeping everything crossed for you that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. 

    Try not to worry too much if you can as a majority of referrals end up not leading to a cancer diagnosis but it's always good to get those tests so that you know exactly what these issues are. It's normal to be worried but try not to anticipate what it might be if you can and I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have been through something similar before and that they will be along shortly to share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator