I found a breast lump on the 22nd of December, wasn’t painful I only found it by chance, I assumed it was nothing to worry about and left it. Fast forward to 11th jan my armpit is swollen the lumps abit bigger and i have white coloured nipple discharge. I booked in with out of hours gp who referred me to my local hospital. I went on Saturdays to the breast clinic, the consultant did an ultrasound and said he couldn’t see anything sends me for a more advanced ultrasound the lady again says she can feel it but can’t see it on ultrasound I was back in the consultants office for 2 minutes where he said go home if it’s still there in 5 weeks I’ll biopsy it , my partner asked if it’s anything to be worried about and he said nope I think it’s benign. I was in complete shock so left with my partner, I rang the clinic today to say I’m not happy being left so long I’m worried to be told the consultant has now said he thinks it’s inflammatory, I asked for the biopsy and a mammogram and they told me I’m to young (29) I’ve been to my gp this evening who have referred me to a different hospital under the two week wait thing. I’m so terrified and worried has anyone ever experience similar?