Cervical polyp after loop procedure

I'm a 55 year old post menopausal woman who had an abnormal smear in 2019 with a follow up colposcopy,all clear and back to routine 3 yearly smears. I then moved abroad and went for a routine smear which came back abnormal again after explaining I'd had a clear colposcopy their method of treatment was to do the leep/loop procedure because I had the dangerous strain( I can't remember which now). Afterwards back to routine 3 year smear again. I very recently went for my smear and it couldn't be performed because I now have a polyp on my cervix and currently waiting for referral to gynaecologist. I've terrified myself into believing it's not a polyp and something far worse. Also trying desperately to be rational that after clear colposcopy and leep  procedure the chances are low that it could be anything other than a polyp. Can someone please reassure me I'm being a crazy drama queen. 

  • Hello MSA,

    I see from your post that you are worried about this polyp. It can also be nerve-wracking waiting for your referral appointment. Symptoms can occur for all sorts of reasons, so the best thing to do is try and focus on other things in the meantime. When you’re worried that you may have cancer, it can be tempting to look for answers or think the worst, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better. And the only person who can investigate further is your gynaecologist. You can view guidance around coping with waiting for news and urgent referrals on our website.  

    I hope this is helpful and that your appointment comes around soon,

    Moderator Anastasia