Fibroadenoma ??

Hey everyone,

so on the 27/12 i found a small pea size lump behind my nipple, I contacted my gp who sent an urgent referral to the breast clinic. 

fast forward, i was examined by dr and sent for ultrasound scan, advised they believe it to to be a fibroadenoma benign lump but would like to take a biopsy anyway, waiting results just coming up to 2 weeks. 

has anyone been in the same situation, one minute i feel ok and reassured then the next i cant help but think what if?

Thank you for reading x

  • Hi Loux,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you are still waiting for your biopsy results. We all get in an emotional state when we know that there is the slightest possibility of a cancer diagnosis. My husband had a biopsy on 23rd December. He was told that he would get an appointment for the results back within 6 weeks. The appointment came through today for the beginning of March. Most breast biopsy results come back within 1-2 weeks, but times vary throughout the country. There has been a delay, in some of he busier areas over the festive season, but I expect that you should be contacted shortly.

    It is only natural to be worried about the outcome, even though your ultrasound operator, suspects that it is a benign fibroadenoma. You could always phone your consultant's secretary to ask if they are back yet. Once they arrive back at the hospital, all cases are discussed at a multidisciplinary team meeting (MDT). These meetings are held regularly and involve all of the medical team, who are likely to be involved in your care, should the results turn out to be untoward. She won't be able to give you any results, but she will know if the results are back yet and possibly, when the next MDT meeting will be held.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good news.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you for your reply, i hope all goes well with your husband. 

    I am hoping for some news this week so keeping my fingers crossed xx