Thinking of you

Hi  and  ... just to let you know I'm thinking of you

  • Thank you.

    Don"t worry. Not butting in at all. I find it super helpful to read everyone else's experiences too. It's very validating and reassuring.

    I know what you mean. Sometimes I want to write and read and research about the illness. Other times I don't want it on my mind at all. I seem to have achieved some kind of balance on that which works for me.

    How are you doing?

  • That balance is vital in my view, it's all too easy to research information,  which can be helpful but other times, negative, distressing and very often not relevant for us..

    I find recognised support groups the best option. Offering medical research and info along with personal experience from others.

    Your body and mind need rest which I hope you are able to achieve,  if only for a while x

  • Eastendgirl how are you love hope your doing ok. And hope your friend is ok too. Feeling a little low today  some times in the early morning when I wake you every think floods your mind of what you have and what’s next  some days it doesn’t bother me too much than other days it can be on my mind and feeling trapped with it   Sorry for the rant but your brill to talk too xxx

  • My dear tangoPotter please don't ever apologise,  I'm here and thankful you feel able to chat to me

    I think your emotions are very usual and experienced by many people in situations where our lives are altered and affected. I completely understand how you are feeling. 

    Our brain is so complex and has such powerful control over our bodies and emotions..

    Strange how some days we cope better than others, which again shows the power of our brain..

    To be able to share, be listened to, is vital for us all,  please don't ever apologise for contacting me, I feel very blessed,  take care and remember,  I'm here xx

  • Eastendgirl thank you for your reply. I’ve just had a phone call from the hospital to make appointment to see the consultant about my scan and things for next Tuesday to discuss things I’m really scared and nervous about all this  x

  • I can only imagine how nervous you are feeling, I always try to find the positive in these situations..

    First of all,  seeing the consultant,  hearing his opinion and plan for you and your treatment is a move in the right direction.. the waiting and worrying is so overwhelming and exhausting..

    Do you have anyone to go with you to the appointment,  really hope so  

    Sending love and hugs  xx

  • Eastendgi I’ve just had another phone call from a nurse asking me if I want to go on the trials  she said I can go have a chat with them after speaking to my consultant next Tuesday   She said the good news is my cancer is just in my bowel it’s not spread any where else she said you will need a operation  I knew that any way  she said they used to just take you in and whip it out  but I don’t know what she is on about these trials. Like for chemo  x

  • Eastendgirl forgot to mention they also said the biopsies was incomplete  so I asked how can that happen.and nurse said maybe they didn’t cut higher enough up 

  • Okay, take a breath and slow down....

    First things first.. being told there has been no spread from the bowel is great news and hopefully you will be able to relax a little now.

    As for taking part in any trial, this obviously needs a lot more information and the advice of your Consultant... I'm not sure there is anything else you can do for now.. except be kind to yourself and deal with it on Tuesday  at your consultation..

    The other option is to contact the Nurse and ask for more information about the trial.. but without first seeing the consultant I  don't feel this would be helpful for you. 

    Hope this makes sense to you  x

  • The Nurse gave you this information?

    Did she say incomplete or inconclusive  ?

    Find that unusual as it would normally be a Consultant who gave this news to a patient.. unless of course this is something he had planned to discuss with you on Tuesday..

    I know it's very difficult but please try not to overthink these calls.. I would be inclined to contact the medical secretary to the Consultant.. explain about the calls and ask if you could speak with him or have an earlier appointment..I doubt you could be seen earlier but perhaps he is able to explain the situation a little better..

    Medical secretaries often work reduced hours 10-3 on a part-time basis..3 days a week... but it's worth trying in my opinion..

    Nothing to lose and hopefully it will give you a better idea of what's going on at the moment..

    Sorry you are having such a rotten day xx

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