Hi Everyone,
Before I tell my background here are my symptoms -
slight pink discharge but no bleeding previously
pus like discharge started last year which i thought was to do with a UTI or cystitis. It got worse at xmas and then slight pink brown discharge which urged me to get to doctor quick.
slight pelvic cramping started months ago
hot flushes especially at night since late last year
few loose bowel episodes since last year but DR thinks i had inflammation of the Bowel.
Up at night few times urinating.
After I had one episode of slight pink discharge (in between xmas and new year), but no bleeding previously I went to doctors and then got appointment for an ultrasound appointment a week later which showed my womb is 14MM.
Doctor raised an appointment to go for a hysteroscopy which i went couple days ago but i have opted for a GA hysteroscopy so on the waiting list which I am hoping wont be long.
What is giving me the fear is if i have cancer it could be advanced . I know I am jumping the gun a bit but I am scared and started thinking the worse as I have heard of advanced cancer with no symptoms.
Anyone with same symptoms? I guess I am looking for some reassurance which this group is so good at. Will appreciate any feedback.
Thanks in advance and any comments will be much appreciated.