Brain tumour

Hello, im terrified I have a brain tumour or some kind of brain cancer. I have headaches everyday for the last 2 months! Taking paracetamol or ibuprofen usually helps me. Other symptoms are: sore head at the right back (feels like I have bruise but I dont), I can hear noises in my right ear, sometimes I feel like my head is heavy. When I lie down, I feel pressure at the back of my head. 2 weeks ago, suddenly I had double vision for about 12 hours! I went to hospital as I was sure something must be wrong. After blood/urine tests I was told im perfectly fine and very unlikely its a tumour or cancer. No one even bother to do CT scan! Following Monday I had GP appointment who said I have ear infection so after course of antibiotics im meant to come back and if this didnt resolve, I will be sent to neurologist. Just completed antibiotics, headaches are slowing down but still hear noises/ringing in my right ear and back of my head still feels sore. Did anyone experienced this before? Im really scared and now im struggling to book GP appointment so not sure where I can see my doctor again. Thank you!

  • Hi mrtna,

    I'm sorry to hear you've been experiencing these difficulties. It's good that you are in touch with your doctor about this and that they have mentioned a possible referral.

    Keep persevering for the appointment, and then once you have the referral in place you should get the answers you need.

    I hope you're able to get some reassurance soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator