Question about procedure

Hello everyone, so I have had a swollen uvula with a white mark on it, since at least late October.

Went to GP who said they weren't too worried but would refer me.

I saw the ENT today, who decided to do a biopsy and order and MRI. Felt my neck and she didn't feel anything but still said an MRI. 

She did say she had low, low suspicion, more than once, is this normal procedure?

Many thanks.

  • Hello Colacao

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had some ongoing health concerns. It's good to know that you've already seen a specialist and that there wasn't anything immediately concerning to them when they assessed you. 

    It's not uncommon for doctors to request further testing after an initial appointment. An accurate diagnosis can't always be given from a visual assessment and sometimes biopsy results need to be complemented by other tests such as an MRI in order for the specialists to have all the information they need. Try not to worry too much about things. 

    If it would help to talk things through with one of our nurses then you're welcome to give them a call. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Jenn, thank you so much for your response. They wanted to book me in for the MRI as soon as possible (ENT appointment was Friday, they were saying Monday or Tuesday) is that a sign of more concern?

  • Hi Colacao,

    Unfortunately it's never really possible to determine anything from the waiting time for appointments. It's possible they just want the answers as quickly as possible, or it could even be a case of fitting you in if they had a cancellation.

    I can understand this uncertainty is concerning - hopefully you won't have long to wait for the information you need.

    Best wishes,

    Cancer Chat Moderator