Transvaginal scan worries

Hi, I had a transvaginal scan following some post menopausal bleeding. I know the report will be on the NHS app. Too scared to look incase I don't understand it and/or there is something terrible on it. Does anyone know what these reports look like and if they are easy or hard to understand please?

  • Hi Kitty55, 

    I totally get why you would be scared to look on the NHS app to read the report from your transvaginal scan. Often we read those reports and there is so much medical terminology that we are not familiar with that we are none the wiser. Other members who have accessed these reports following a transvaginal scan might be able to tell you more about what it was like for them to read these reports on the app.  I think that if it is causing you stress to log into the app and try to make sense of it all, it would be worth getting in touch with your GP surgery and see if you can talk to your GP who will also have access to your results and who will be able to explain these to you in simple terms. You could also have a quick look on the app before you ring your GP and if anything isn't clear you can ask your doctor to explain things to you in detail. 

    I hope this helps and that you will get your results soon and I am keeping everything crossed for you that it all turns out to be nothing of concern.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks for replying. I spoke to a doctor from our practice and he told me I have fibroids,  thickened womb lining and an ovarian cyst thought to be an endometrioma. Had blood test and I've got a clinic appointment on Friday.