Hi, I just wondered if anyone could shed some light if they have had similar symptoms, im 37 female i don't smoke but do drink ive had what I believe to be ibs for years, mostly that I get runny poop very often and lower abdominal cramping for which ive had scans for on ovaries and cervix both clear. Recently ive been getting minor niggly pains all over my upper and mid abdomen and all of a sudden ive had what I can only describe as extreme tenderness all round both the side of my ribs, below my ribs my back both flanks and abdomen this has been going on about 5 days. I had it when i was originally referred but it eased for a while I had an abdominal ultrasound and the lady was so cold I asked if she had found something as she suddenly started concentrating on a certain area for ages in the mid abdomen, she told me she couldn't discuss results with me. I got so upset because I knew there and then shed found something and she asked why I was crying and I told her it's because I know she had found something, she replied I'm not allowed to discuss results I just take photos. But ive had 3 ultra sounds and 2 trays in the past and they've always told me there and then that it's clear. I can't eat I can't sleep I'm crying I'm a mess, I have a 12 year old I'm gutted. I'm not sure what I'm asking but I'm just so anxious it's completey consumed me i just wondered if anyone had experience anything like this or these kind of symptoms, thanks for taking the time to read.