Had lump a while- private investigation?

Hi everyone 

I’ve found a lump in lower left breast, about the size and shape of a tictac maybe teeny bit bigger. 
moves, sore when I poke at it. 
been referred to breast clinic from gp this morning. lucky I have basic health insurance with my job and have got an appointment with specialist and a breast scan tomorrow lunch time, unfortunately this doesn’t cover a biopsy.

husband told me to wait for nhs and get all done, I’m just looking for reassurance and I’m sure I’d get some via ultrasound tomorrow. 

has anyone had investigations done private then any biopsies etc via nhs? 

  • Hi Jay6388 and welcome to the forum.

    How did you get on with your appointment the other day? I hope it went well and you've got the reassurances you were after, but if you have any further questions or concerns you'd like to discuss with someone, you're welcome to give our cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk to and will do all they can to support you and put your mind ease.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been in a similar position will get back to you soon as well.

    We're thinking of you Jay6388 and will have our fingers crossed your NHS referral comes through soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi there, wondering how you got on with this as I’m in a similar position at the moment. 
    my health insurance also covers mammograms and ultrasound but no biopspies so not sure what to do.


  • Hi I went for the private constult and scan 

    no immediate worries, said looks like a solid mass called something beginning with f 

    said she’d like me to have a biopsy (not sure if this was an up sell as it was £890!) 

    this was the findings 

    apparently well circumscribed is good so they were happy to let me go and wait for nhs appointment which is Saturday 

    although the lump has gone down slightly now I’m on my period so not sure if it’s hormones related

    Entire left breast scanned. Underlying the palpable lump in the 4 o'clock position of the left breast, there is a well circumscribed hypochoic mass measuring 10 x 7 x 3mm. Appearan are most likely to represent a fibroadenoma and core biopsy is recommended. Normal glandular tissue seen in the remainder of the left breast.

    Left U2

    If you would like us to arrange that biopsy please do get in touch.

    Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact me through the

  • I’ve added a reply on here :)

  • Glad everything seems okay for you then, that’s great news! 

    I’m going to call the private healthcare again in the morning for a complete breakdown of each thing and see where I can go from there. 
    I think the whole package that they offered me was £1091 but not sure how much of that would be covered by my insurer, so it’s a lot of money and a lot to think about (as I’d need to pay the costs up front) but also don’t know if I can keep waiting for weeks and weeks as the stress is horrendous x