Sharp Breast Pain

Hi everyone. For the last week or so, I’ve started to experience a sharp pain in my left breast. It feels like it’s central, in the tissues behind the nipple. It comes on intermittently and suddenly and it a kind of pain that makes you grit your teeth. It’s fine when I move, bend over, turn over in bed without a bra but it’s been triggered by lifting up my daughter, turning to lie on my back and when pressure is applied. I’m 41 and still on the combined pill. I have a history of BC within my family and because of this, had a mammogram in October which was normal. I haven’t noticed any skin or nipple changes.  Has anyone else experienced a pain similar to this and if so, what did it turn out to be? Thank you for taking the time to read.

  • Hi, I went yesterday. Saw the consultant who said she could feel a pea sized ‘something’ behind the nipple so sent me for an ultrasound. The radiographer said it all just looked like normal tissue and couldn’t see anything to worry about. He said sometimes there is no reason and it could just be hormonal. It did ease off at the end of my pill pack and start of period so it could be linked to perimenopause. Feel a lot better now that it’s been checked. I’m back at the hospital next Wednesday as I’m having the genetic test for the BRCA gene. 

    Glad you’ve got an appointment through. The waiting isn’t easy but just try and keep busy. Please let us know how you get on x 

  • That’s good news love, and glad you got your ultrasound etc and good they are checking you for BCRA as well next week, sounds as if they are being really thorough and checking everything. 

    Thanks love, as you’ll know, it’s hard to keep it off my mind and struggling to just get through work everyday with it hanging over me, but glad I’ve got my appt. 

    thanks love I will and you too xxxo

  • Hi, how did you get on? I’ve been thing of you today x 

  • Hi there, 

    I think okay, I was taken in for an ultrasound and biopsy, Dr confirmed she could feel a large lump, but told me she was fairly certain that it was a benign lump but have to come back on the 18th for my biopsy results. She told me I shouldn’t be worrying about it it though, so fingers crossed everything goes okay on Monday x

  • That’s positive that they’ve said that. I know you’ll not be able to help but worry but she’s said lots of reassuring things so fingers crossed you can soon put it behind you. 

    I had my gene testing done last week to see if I have the BRCA gene. Should have the results of that in around 6 - 8 weeks.

    Let me know how it goes on Monday xx 

  • Hi P, 

    Got my results back today, all clear thankfully. Still feeling pain in the area, so I’ve to go back in 3 months time for another ultrasound and just to make sure that it hasn’t grown, for now just to take painkillers and wear support bras etc and hope that it eases off x

  • That’s great news! Hopefully it will settle down so you’re not uncomfortable with it any more. So pleased it’s all been okay xx